Providing the best possible working conditions
Our dedication to brain health extends to our own working environment. Lundbeck employs approximately 5,400 people worldwide and is committed to provide a safe and healthy work environment where our employees are thriving and can be at their best.
To mitigate risks and identify positive impacts we systematically assess working conditions and perform risk assessments before making any physical or organizational changes. E.g. when establishing new facilities and developing new products and processes.
Continually, we develop our comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Programme, which includes toxicological test, dust measurements, and the calculation of exposure limits for new active substances and biologics.
Based on these measurements, we evaluate and design workplaces and procedures that ensure healthy and safe working conditions.
We aim to reduce the numbers of work-related accidents by continuously improving our processes for root cause analysis. Through our health and safety IT management system accidents, near misses and dangerous observations are reported, allowing for timely and targeted preventive actions. To ensure safety awareness, managers and employees are trained in risk assessment, root cause analysis and how to mitigate identified risks.
For years we have had very few ill health cases and we aim to remain at this low level. Continuous risk assessments are our fundamental tool for avoiding ill health cases. We also collect health and safety data systematically and conduct surveys to identify for improving working conditions.
At Lundbeck, we realize that individual productivity and wellbeing may be improved by having flexible work arrangements. To support this, we have educational videos on ergonomics providing guidance on how to arrange the workplace in the office and at home in an appropriate ergonomic way - and how to work healthy anywhere, by vary working posture, having brain breaks and do exercises during the day.
In line with Lundbeck’s purpose, we strive to have a company culture that acknowledges the importance of well-being and thus the need for preventive action before employees fall sick due to e.g. stress, depression or anxiety. Our aim is an open and inclusive culture where issues such as wellbeing and stress can be discussed without stigmatization, discrimination or harassment.
Through courses, guidelines and e-learnings, employees get informed about unconscious bias, cultural awareness, well-being and stress prevention which improves their ability to act with respect and to react on colleagues not thriving.
As a leader in brain health, we are committed not only to raise awareness and improve conditions for people living with brain diseases across the world, but also to promote an inclusive workplace and culture for our own neurodivergent employees, so they feel supported and can thrive at Lundbeck. E.g. Lundbeck is recognized for being a migraine friendly workplace by The European Migraine and Headache Alliance as we have supportive working conditions as relaxing area, guidelines for managers and a commitment stating how we support our employees living with migraine to be at their best at work.
Facts on ISO 14001 and ISO 45001
The system consists of written procedures and annual performance targets, communicated and integrated into daily operations via training. Compliance and improvements are evaluated by internal and external auditors and the business’ senior management reviews the overall system performance annually.
Our certified system covers research, development, and manufacturing sites in Denmark, Italy and France, as well as our headquarter functions.
More from Lundbeck
Supplier and third-party obligations
How we engage suppliers and third parties when providing treatments to patients
Responsible business conduct
We pursue our business purpose guided by several pillars and our Code of Conduct.
Life at Lundbeck
A patient-driven and innovative culture driven by collaboration.