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Community Engagement

Empowering people with lived experience

No one understands the impact of brain disorders better than the people affected by them. We aim to actively listen and learn from those with lived experience, so that together, we can promote brain health, bring forward meaningful solutions, and improve their quality of life

At Lundbeck, we believe that in order to restore brain health, we should work in partnership. we currently partner with over 70 advocacy groups around the world on a series of initiatives promoting the importance of brain health and amplifying the voice of those with lived experience. We are continuously learning from our partners, and we strive to integrate their perspective into everything we do.  

“Migraine can be managed, but we need to speak up for ourselves, and then we need people to believe us.” SAMANTHA SMITH AQUINO, LIVING WITH MIGRAINE



At Lundbeck, we work to mobilize efforts to eliminate stigma and normalize discussions about brain health and its associated disorders. Every year, we collaborate with the patient advocacy and medical communities on a series of initiatives. These include global awareness-raising campaigns on brain health promotion and stigma reduction, such as Brain Awareness Week and World Mental Health Day, as well as in-depth educational campaigns targeted at policy makers, healthcare professionals and the public in general.     



We strive to empower the voices of people living with brain disorders through our capacity building programmes, giving the community the tools and support they require to strengthen their share of voice. Every year, Lundbeck’s #1VoiceSummit brings together the global advocacy community to learn from each other, exchange ideas and collaborate to strengthen the collective voice of people with lived experience of brain disorders.  

Our journey to restore brain health has just begun, and we always welcome new ideas and opportunities from people and organizations interested in collaborating with us.

Are you an advocacy group? Get in touch

More from Lundbeck

Restoring Brain Health

What brain health means to us at Lundbeck.

Our Science

Lundbeck has developed some of the world’s most widely prescribed therapies.


True stories from patients and carers, our employees, and scientists.