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Unsolicited applications

Future opportunities

If you are interested in Lundbeck and do not see a relevant job opening, you are welcome to sign up to our Job Agent. Our job agent will notify you when a position that match your competencies becomes available.

We recommend you read through these career pages to get an idea of who we are as a company and what kinds of people and competencies we are looking for. You can help us in the process by identifying the career area that matches your profile, experience, and ambitions.


To provide you with the best service possible, and to optimize the application process, we encourage you to sign up for Lundbeck’s Job Agent.


We post our job opportunities for Lundbeck HQ and our affiliates on our website. Our Job Agent keeps you updated on any new job opportunities that match your profile and job wishes.


We do not accept unsolicited applications for Lundbeck HQ jobs. Some affiliates may handle unsolicited applications, and we therefore recommend that you contact the local Lundbeck office that you wish to work for directly, as well as signing up for our global Job Agent.

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