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Lundbeck Institute

The Lundbeck Institute, Seminars and Campus

The mission of The Lundbeck Institute is to develop, provide and cascade unbiased, evidence-based medical education in psychiatry and neurology from leading experts to health care professionals and create a forum to facilitate knowledge sharing, networking and collaborations.

Over 20 Years’ Experience in Educating the Medical Community

Our aim is to provide accessible high-quality medical education worldwide, to support health care professionals in improving the quality of life of people living with psychiatric or neurological disorders through up-to-date disease understanding leading to optimised care.


Since its foundation in 1997, The Lundbeck Institute has been committed to providing expert, international, interactive seminars, thereby building a valued legacy in medical education. The seminars cover mood disorders, schizophrenia and dementia. In addition, we offer educational materials, and tools for facilitating locally-run workshops.


the institute campus also features