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Terms of Use

Our full Terms of Use

Terms of Use for

1. Restrictions Related to Use

The content of the website is subject to copyright protection and other intellectual property rights. The company names, trade names, logos and all product names are trademarks owned by Lundbeck Canada. Any use or misuse of these trademarks is expressly forbidden. The content of the website may not be copied other than for personal and non-commercial use with all copyright or other proprietary notices retained. Except as expressly provided above, it is not allowed to copy, display, download, modify, reproduce or retransmit any information on this website without the express written consent of Lundbeck Canada.


Any comments sent to Lundbeck Canada regarding this site will become the property of Lundbeck Canada and may be used without limitation. Comments received will not necessarily be treated as confidential, but your personal information will be protected as per the Lundbeck Canada Personal Information Protection Policy

2. Disclaimer

Reasonable care is being taken to ensure that the site content is accurate and up-to-date, but Lundbeck Canada makes no warranties or representations as to accuracy, sequence, timeliness or completeness of the site content and may discontinue distributing the site without prior notice. The information on this site is intended for general guidance only and may never substitute advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professionals. Lundbeck Canada shall not be liable for any damages arising out of access to or use of any content on this site, regardless of the accuracy or completeness of any such content, or from computer viruses.


If you suspect you have a health problem, we strongly recommend that you contact your physician.

3. Links to Other Websites website may contain links to third party websites. Lundbeck Canada disclaims any control over, relationship with, or endorsement of such sites. Links to other websites are only provided as a convenience, we recommend that you pay a particular attention to their terms of use.

4. Children

This website is not intended or designed to attract children under the age of 18 years. We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable data from any person we know to be under the age of 18 years.

5. Personal Information Protection Policy

Our commitment to personal information protection

Lundbeck Canada is committed to respect your privacy rights and to ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with the applicable federal and provincial laws in Canada.  The Lundbeck Canada Personal Information Protection Policy is modeled after the Canadian Standards Association Model Code for the Protection of Personal Information. The following statement on personal information protection is a simplified version of the Lundbeck Canada Personal Information Protection Policy. A complete copy of the Personal Information Protection Policy can be viewed by clicking here.

Collection, use and disclosure of personal information

Lundbeck Canada collects your personal information such as names and contact details only when voluntarily provided. This information will only be collected, recorded and used for the direct purpose for which you provided it. If you do not wish to be contacted anymore you can easily opt-out of receiving further information from us.


Lundbeck Canada will respect your privacy with regard to any questions, comments, suggestions that you may transmit and if it is necessary to disclose any personally identifiable information to a third party we will notify you as to the uses we intend to make of such information and obtain your consent prior disclosing the information, unless permitted or required by law. Your personal information will be stored at Lundbeck Canada in an access-restricted location accessible only by Lundbeck Canada’s employees that need to access it in the execution of their duties. A copy of any request transmitted to us via this site is kept in Denmark. Therefore, the personal information included in your request will be subject to laws and court orders applicable locally in terms of access to this information.


Further questions regarding Lundbeck Canada policies and practices related to the management of personal information can be addressed to the Chief Privacy Officer at:


Chief Privacy Officer
Lundbeck Canada Inc.
 2600 Alfred-Nobel boulevard
Suite 400
Saint-Laurent, QC H4S 0A9 

6. Use of Cookies automatically tracks how the content of its website is used by the deposit of cookies.   A cookie is a small text file that is placed on the hard disk of a computer by a website. deposit “cookies” that contain identification number that identifies your browser (but not you as a person) to our servers each time you visit our website.  These tracking provide us with information such as the number of visitors and allow us to gain a better understanding of potential areas for improvement and accessibility to the content of our website.


The use of cookies is an industry standard and many major browsers are initially set up to accept them.  You can reset your browser and disable the 'cookies' function on your computer, if you choose this option, you will continue to have exactly the same access to content as with 'cookies' enabled, it will only result in slightly less accurate usage figures for our own internal reports. The information collected by the deposit of cookies will be used within Lundbeck Canada and our relevant partners to increase the quality of content, service and support to our visitors.

7. Changes and Questions

Any changes to this document will be communicated promptly on this page. If you have any further questions regarding this document or the website in general, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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